How to Run an Effective Board Meeting

A successful board meeting will enhance decision-making and productivity improve collaboration and time management, and bring companies closer to their goals. To run a productive meeting, you’ll need an exciting agenda as well as a suitable boardbook template and clear guidelines for governance.

Set clear meeting objectives for the board and then communicate the board’s goals to members prior to meeting. This allows everyone to prepare and prioritize the discussion topics. Meetings that are too long or ineffective can be avoided. Make sure to focus on issues rather than updates. Also, make sure that meetings do not exceed 30 minutes for each issue This helps keep discussions productive and minimize fatigue during meetings.

Make clear the way in which decisions will be taken during the meeting. Facilitate a discussion that is open and respecting different opinions. However, be honest about difficult topics and negative news. If a formal vote procedure is required, ensure that the procedure is clearly laid out and that a certain amount of votes is required to make a decision. The minutes of the meeting should accurately record the voting results that allow for accountability as well as follow-up.

Once the meeting is over take a moment to review the decisions that were made and make actions items for each chief officer to communicate to their departments. This will reinforce the new strategies agreed upon and ensure that each department is onboard with implementing these goals. In subsequent meetings, you will review and evaluate the actions taken to create a culture of accountability.

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